I’m a bit wounded at the moment. In fact I may need surgery. Well it’s not quite that bad and to some extent it’s my own fault. You see I love peanut butter. Always have. Ever since I was a pup. I remember sitting on Nicole’s lap, me cute as… Nicole, eating peanut butter on toast. Well she gave me a small piece. Goddamn was it good, crunchy, sweet and tasty. Of course I can’t say it’s on the menu now, at all! Which is how I ended up slightly injured.

20140327_095132You see we have a mouse plague at the moment. All it took was a few spits of rain and in they came from the scrub. Of course that’s the worse of having a house in the middle of a paddock; snakes, mice, lizards, spiders, those screeching cockatoo’s that wake me up every morning, well you get the picture. But back to those mice. There’s so many of the blighters it’s staggering. Occasionally Nicole lets out a screech in the middle of the night and I know one of those brown furry things has climbed into bed with her and all I have to do is press my nose against the screen door and you can see them running across the floor in the kitchen. I swear that yesterday one of the buggers actually stopped and waved before heading to the mouse trap near the fridge.

Snap! You gotta love that sound.

Mice are pretty dumb really but their capacity for ‘buns in the oven’ is staggering. It’s a numbers game with them so they’re difficult to get rid of and with us hounds out-doors it’s a bit hard to put bait out, hence the peanut butter.

Now I wasn’t a believer in the old pain for pleasure theory. Nope, I’m definitely not a Fifty Shades of Grey personality. Not this kelpie. I was raised on the conservative side, but I have to say that now, for me personally, there is a fine line between agony and indulgence. I can’t help it. The whole thing has become quite addictive. It’s the pain of those darn mouth traps hanging off my bottom-lip and the lip-smacking taste of peanut butter on my tongue.

Hmmm, I am starting to look a bit stretched on the left of the muzzle, I might need botox.
