Ok, some people might think I’ve got a strange sense of humour however I thought this cartoon sent to me by my brother John was a classic! What a debacle this has become. Visited Toowoomba during the week to collect my new laptop and was reminded how cold it can get in the windy city. I also met Catherine Turner a 3rd generation military ‘gal’ who has combined her passion for all things military and writing in the production of a non-fiction work on the last great cavalry charge of WWI. She’ll be blogging here once the work is published.  It’s been a busy week with a new set of cattle yards constructed-more on that next week, my flying trip to Toowoomba and the installation of a new wireless antennae at the main homestead. This afternoon it’s group certificate time and then a peruse of my sister’s 8,000 word corporate booklet – Super Talent. On the writing front, well I’m still writing and glad that the ms due date isn’t until December. I learnt yesterday that The Bark Cutters has been shortlisted for the ABIA (Australian Book Industry Awards) Newcomer of The Year Award for 2011 and that A Changing Land reached #1 on the Australian Fiction List during March remaining in the Top Ten for a number of weeks. It’s really satisfying to know that the long hours were worth while and most importantly that the readers enjoyed the work. My stories can’t truly come alive until they are shared.