Someone once said that it is better to be very good at a couple of things rather than having a little knowledge about many. It makes sense I guess, until you find yourself wishing things were different. It helps to be skilled in a number of things. For instance if I knew how to weld I would repair the boundary gate leading into one of our properties. It’s on the to do list for winter however the old L&D (lift and drag) mechanism is starting to give me the —– . Similarly often I wish I could put paint brush to hand, settle a canvas under a spreading box tree and transfer what I see onto the blank sheet before me. If the finished product was good enough to hang above my sofa, so much the better. Unfortunately I think Im more Pro Hart in style, minus the artistic flair and innate colour sense. Repairing the slipping clutch on our cattle truck would be a help too. We are still sowing wheat around the clock, while David is over the border in QLD harvesting cotton for his brother so these little things that usually get done are suddenly undoable, at least by me. Its the same with end of year financials. Doing the books for two businesses becomes a little all consuming at times, oh for accountants! As I write this I have just tried for the twentieth time to upload an image to my blog. It’s been an ongoing struggle with the Gods of wordpress for the last week now and despite good sense telling me it’s time to call in the experts I really would like to understand a little more when it comes to the WP gremlins. It looks like the hundreds of people listed in the WP help forum feel the same way. Of course I could just dive head in and learn about it however time constraints and the dreaded word of over commiting comes to mind. Guess I’ll just stick to what I know and call the WP guy, hmmm might give the painting a try at some stage though.