My name is Kelly McLean and I am the creator of Australian Writers Rock,  a Website and face book page which helps promote Australian Writers.  Well, I’ve been asked to write this blog for a writer friend with a very simple question in mind – Why did you start “Australian Writers Rock?” A simple question well, no….

 It started as an idea when my daughter had a high school assignment.  She had to write a book review on an Australian biography.  I went to the Chermside Library and found about fifteen Australian biography’s one of which was William McInnes – A man’s got to have a hobby – Long summers with my dad.   My daughter ended up doing a book report on a biography she found in the school library and I fell in love with Australian Writers!   I think William and I might be the same vintage, maybe even the same star sign, right down to velour shirts, the VDub and an uncanny phobia of cane toads.  The book was like a trip into my past and I adored it.  I adored it so much – I purchased the book!

 Now, why was this so special?  My sister has book shelves full of books, her house is covered in forms of literature and her computer is full of e-books.  Me?  I can always borrow from her, why would I buy a book?  Because it is one I wanted to keep forever.  It was Australian (I really am as true blue as my profile on the site), it stoked my imagination and … I wanted to own it.   I don’t like buying a book and not knowing what’s inside, I borrow a book from the library, then if it’s a keeper, I buy it.  It has to tick all the boxes, I have to love it for it to be added to my collection.  The purchase of this book indicated a change in the direction of my tastes from mass produced romance or science fiction fantasy from other countries to AUSTRALIAN. 

 I have a second love, growing my own vegetables!  Although I have only had one successful crop! Lettuce! Australian writer Kris Abbey (Organic Food) caught my imagination.  Her book – non-fiction – had me at hello!  Please excuse the pun but both Kris and another great Australian Author friend – Dawn Alice (Love Life Tarot) had my attention within the first couple of pages with their passionate words and personal stories. 

 I had difficulties finding Australian writers in the library and I started the Australian Writers Rock face book page as I knew that a lot of my friends had a common interest in reading.  Dawn joined that group and we began to chat.  Along with Dawn came Karen Tyrell, what an amazing woman!  There aren’t too many aspiring writers who have the courage or resources to leave a fulltime job and throw their full efforts into writing and developing writers.  I cannot believe this woman is not published!  Her commitment to the industry and her work is amazing! (Thanks for letting me preview your book!) It really opened my eyes as to how much of a struggle Australian writers have to break into the industry.  I really like that Karen is working to perfect her craft instead of rushing into self-publishing.  Her work shows her talent.

 It was about now that my addiction to technology became complete and I decided to start my own website.  I must say though that Australian Writers nearly got overthrown by an Organic Vegetable website! 

 An absolute novice to the internet website building business and the writing business, the website had its initial hiccups.  Put it this way – my reviews were a little too much “reader”, a little unprofessional really.  Let me tell you this though writers, as a reader, professional book reviews annoy me!  I want to know what the book is about and the emotions the book evokes.  It turns me off to read a review full of literary nonsense.  There were a few unsavoury blog comments posted, but all feedback is important so I just improved the site.

 I joined twitter, 600 page views in one night – wow!   Australian Writers really Rock!  Australian Writers Rock face book page now has over 400 members, twitter 900 members and the website averages 800 page views a week. 

 I can honestly say that I have met a world of amazing Australian authors, emerging Australian authors and published Australian authors that I regularly converse with and — I love your world!  I just really think you have a tough draw for all the talent you possess, so I sincerely hope that Australian Writers Rock publicity helps you to succeed.

 Kelly M.