Having recently submitted the manuscript for the sequel to The Bark Cutters I must admit to pondering for some time on the title. It took me a couple of years to decide on TBC and I really wanted a title for the sequel which would stand out in the crowd! Certainly The Bark Cutters title continues to create a lot of interest and has been a major point of discussion. In writing the continuing saga of the Gordon family I remained conscious of the major theme: The emotional attachment that generational graziers feel towards the land. It made sense to draw on the sprawling acres that comprise the Gordon property, Wangallon. Of course Wangallon was an obviously choice for a title and I used it as such while writing the sequel. From a marketing viewpoint however it doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, in fact I’ve had interviewers mispronounce it. So I decided to choose a title that reflected part of the property Wangallon (remembering that the property is comprised of large portions of land purchased by Hamish Gordon). Boxer’s Plains is the name of the sequel. It is a name that reflects the Gordon’s continuing obsession with their family property and also one of the characters in The Bark Cutters who has been with Hamish Gordon since Wangallon’s founding. The title is also integral to the storyline…. ahh, but I’ll save that for another day.