It’s true, out in the bush we do tend to watch the Austar weather channel like it’s a movie & when the ABC Southern QLD radio weather guru speaks, you can hear a pin drop. So despite previous dodgy forecasts (although they were right on target when the drought was on) I packed accordingly to the predictions for Toowoomba, Brisbane & Rockhampton. I’m not known for my packing ability for short trips, I tend to put everything onto the bed and then add another half! This time however, I streamlined. Rain predicted for T/ba & Brisvegas-tops of 19. Rocky-fine, tops of 22. Jeans, winter weight pants, white shirts, boots, jacket etc. Well now I’m ensconced in tropical Rocky where its a balmy 28 tomorrow-I’ve got the aircond on! I’ve had the air cond on ever since I left Toowoomba at 9 am. I kept the air cond as my car lost power on the highway and my coffee left a reminder of the benefits of multi-tasking on my jeans. I turned the air cond up as I followed directions to an out of the way mechanics shop at the back of a village called Helidon. ‘Real easy’ to get there love, the trucky advised. And it was. A low bridge with a foot of running water over it, two churches (of course I turned at the wrong one) , a strawberry patch and a blind railway crossing later I made it. The mechanic went for a drive to test ‘her’. 22 minutes later he returned. I figured he had a quick coffee and picked up his mail.  ‘It’s the fuel line or, maybe the electrics or maybe the switch-I think they have switches on them.’ ‘Will I get to Brisbane?’ I asked. ‘Probably, maybe, sure.’ Having had such heartening comments in the past, I continued on. Of course when I got on the plane to Rocky having purchased a t-shirt to wear, they turned the aircond up!