As a rural commodity producer in Australia I often find myself having discussions about food security. The availabilty and access of food is something taken for granted by many. We go to the supermarket or butcher and purchase our groceries with little thought that one day an item may not be available; that is until we reach for say the banana’s or strawberrys (cyclones / pest problems) or can’t find a particular cut of meat (floods) . A household is considered food secure when its occupants do not live in hunger or fear of starvation; yet it is staggering to think that worldwide there are approximately 852 million people who are chronically hungry due to extreme poverty, while another 2 billion (FAO; 2003) have intermittant food security problems due to poverty arising from what historically used to be pigeon holed as due to civil war and drought.  However there are other issues combining to threaten food security and the more impoverished nations are not the only countries at risk. Listed below are just a few of the issues facing the world’s food producers and by extension, you the consumer. On reading through it quickly becomes apparent what a fragile environment we live in.

The loss of agricultural land to residential and industrial development (population growth).

The increase in agricultural land used for biofuels and depending on the country, export restrictions.

Climate change – natural disasters, floods, droughts, fires.

Growing consumer demand in China and India. This is thought to have inflated grain prices.

The growing cost of inputs (oil prices for example) to produce food and associated transport costs. Australia is a big country.

The global credit crisis has affected farm credits internationally.

Although global per capita food production has been increasing substantially for the past several decades and as of  2006 (MSNCB) the number of overweight people surpassed th0se undernourished, food is not getting to the people who need it most, nor are governments doing enough to promore the importance of agricultural communties. 2012 is the Australian Year of The Farmer. Next time you open that bottle of chardonnay, dunk a prawn in some seafood sauce or make up some mince for the kids to have on toast, take a moment to explain to your children where the food comes from. Education is the only way to spread the world when it comes to food security; and spare a thought for those Australian producers who grow some of the safest and nutrious food in the world.