It doesn’t happen very often however this year we have had 3 seasons. In my part of the world the predominant periods of summer and winter over rule all else. Autumn is usually marked by an average of two weeks of milder weather. We go from a summer average of about 37 degrees with peaks of 42/3 usually in January (thank heavens for air conditioning) to around 25 degrees then one morning you wake up and it’s 6 degrees. We get our share of miserable winter days. Blustery southerlys and frosts with black frosts a common occurance in 2009. Everyone looks forward to the end of winter even though we know spring will probably be a ten day wonder. Not this year. We are up to our seventh north west cloud band which equals above normal rainfall, overcast conditions and cool temperatures. Effectively we’ve had a decent spring this year. Nearly two months worth with temperatures not exceeding 25 degrees. We’ve only had a handful of days where the temperatures have hit 27 degrees. Yesterday Spring ended. We went straight to a skin pinking 33 degrees. Just as well. With the soft finish to the season the crops are late in coming in and harvest has already been delayed for a week. The chance of getting crops off before the Whalan Creek cut off access to some of them has been and gone. This harvest is going to be a logistical nightmare involving obtaining access through neighbours properties, the cutting of fences and many kilometres of detouring. However at least we have crops this year!