‘The Banjo’ & Waltzing Matilda

‘There was movement at the station, for the word had passed around                                                                                 That the colt from [...]

The 76th anniversary of the bombing of Darwin.

Today marks the anniversary of the largest single attack ever mounted by a foreign power on Australia – the Bombing of Darwin. On 19 February 1942, 242 Japanese aircraft, in two separate raids, attacked the town, the ships in Darwin's harbour and the town's two airfields. The Japanese hoped to prevent the Allies from stopping their invasion of Timor and [...]

By | February 16th, 2018|Australian History|0 Comments

The finest shed in Australia.

The history of the wool industry in Australia is a story of resilience and passion, rebellion and power. One company that positioned itself as a heavyweight in the Merino industry early on was F.S Falkiner and Sons. Established in the 1880s, the business went on to build an empire of sheep stations some of which [...]

A Town Called Stuart

Alice Springs the city wasn’t always known by this rather optimistic name. The settlement came about after John McDouall Stuart led an expedition through Central Australia in 1861-62, to the west of what would eventually become Alice Springs. Stuart was the savvy explorer that established a route from the south of the continent to the north [...]

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