I am often asked; ”So Brooke, how exactly do I discover my uniqueness? I know that I have been put on the earth for a reason, but I just don’t seem to be able to discover what it is I should be doing and who I am meant to be?”

It’s a great question and one that humanity has been asking and answering for centuries. I believe that your answer can be as simple or complex as you like. However perhaps it needs to be asked in a different way. What if you were to consider this question instead;

“If no-one told me who I was then who would I be?”

For some of us the mere act of removing the labels placed on us by others frees us up to think more clearly, more courageously, more honestly. I have decided that I seriously dislike labels. They narrow thinking and conversation. They limit our spirit by design. They weaken our identity as a unique individual. So remove all the labels you have of yourself and give yourself a full sentence. Does that sound strange? Well, what I mean is, don’t limit yourself to one word or even a series of words … expand yourself to a whole sentence.

For example:

She taught 1,000,000 children how to read and changed their future.

He consulted to companies on sustainable practises and saved a Brazilian Rainforest.

He built an orphanage in Thailand and rescued the lives of thousands of children.

She wrote a book that made people happy.

He told jokes that made the whole room laugh and smile.

How does it feel to have the label removed? Liberating? Does it free up your thoughts and make you think what your sentence might be? Your sentence doesn’t have to be your destiny for your entire life, perhaps it’s just one project or one aspect that you would like to focus on right now. An element that will take you a little further along your journey of life.

By removing labels we remove our habitual thinking and replace it with possibility and ideas. Our dreams and thoughts garner momentum. Our identity regains it’s vitality. We become bold. We become unique.
