Sheep. Yes I know, being a kelpie I should be partial to them and I am but not the way you think. They would have to be the most frustrating animals. You run one way, they run in the opposite direction. You want them to walk through a gate then you actually have to get them to run in a circle pushing them closer and closer until bingo, one of them has a light-bulb moment.

‘Oh, so we go through here?’


20140506_143553Of course the two-legged’s don’t agree. They like sheep. Their property was built on sheep, in fact before dry-land farming and beef cattle started to take up more space thirty years ago and before the great flood of the ‘70s washed away half of them, we ran thousands of merino ewes. Quite frankly I’m perspiring at the thought of all that barking.



IMG-20120826-00394There’s a reason why I was born last year!

But seriously there are some dogs (no names mentioned) that actually get a kick out of pushing sheep up drafting races and loading ramps, even running along their backs. Not me. The only good sheep is served medium-raw with a drop of gravy. In fact when we trucked the lambs last week I would have given the driver a packet of gravox.

I was happy to run around the sheep-yards for a bit but give me cattle any day. In a previous life I reckon I was a ringer in Australia’s Top End cause big beefy cattle are my thing, and I might add, I’m damn good at mustering them.

Anyway when the loading started and the lambs started to run I was relegated to the back of the ute which actually suited me just fine. I’m angling for the overseer position in a few years so it’s best I keep an eye on things.

photo (2)My joke for the day: Why did the ram jump off the cliff?

Because there were no more ewes…

And wouldn’t that be a happy day!