Water, water everywhere.

Today I’m hopeful of finishing the editing on A Changing Land. The process this time has been relatively straightforward compared to last year when I received a 14 page editorial report and then the manuscript with the computerised markups. In hindsight although I shuddered at the report as it printed out (secretly I hoped there were lots of pictures) it was very straightforward and was more an A to Z to turning a manuscript into a publishable novel with a house style imposed over the top. It’s a far cry from penciled mark ups on your manuscript; when the unique series of annotations akin to a small animal trailing over the paper were used. These days most editing depending on the discipline, is all done on-line which makes the sharing of comments through to line editing so much faster than pen to paper. Manual editing at the authors end is still done and many first time authors find themselves making corrections in pen on their manuscript as they follow an editors recommendations regarding everything from content to structure. Then its off to the post office. Well we don’t have one here at Boomi. It closed down a number of years ago. So just as well everything can be done on-line these days.